
Saturday, April 14, 2012


added, addressed, admitted, advanced, advised, affirmed, aired, announced, ascribed, asked herself, asked, asserted, assumed, assured, averred, avouched, avowed,

bantered, belittled, betrayed, blabbed, blathered, blurted, boasted, bragged, breathed

cackled, came out with, came out with, chatted, chirped, cited, claimed, commanded, conveyed, cooed, cried out, crooned, crowed,

declaimed, declared, demanded, digressed, disclosed, disparaged, divulged, drawled,

echoed, enlightened him, exclaimed, expressed,

gabbled, gibbered, growled, gushed,

harangued, hollered,

imagined, imparted, Implied, Imputed, Inquired, Insinuated, Instructed,

jabbered, jeered,

lamented, let out, let slip,

made known, maundered, mentioned, moaned, mocked, mumbled, murmured, muttered,

named, nattered, notified,

objected, offered,

parroted, pleaded, pledged, pointed out, pontificated, prated, prattled, preached, predicted, professed, professed, prompted, proposed, purported, put before,

queried, questioned, questioned,

rambled on, ranted, rattled on, recited, recited, rejoined, remarked, repeated, replied, replied, responded, retorted, revealed, rhapsodized, roared,

said half-aloud, sang out, sassed, scoffed, scolded, screamed, sermonized, shouted, shrilled, snapped, snarled, spat, speculated, spouted, sputtered, squeaked, squealed, stammered, stated, stuttered, suggested, summoned,



vaunted, vented,

whined, whispered, wondered aloud,

yakked, yelled, yelped


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  2. Jynnipher and I thank you Deirdra, the award is posted with pride.
