
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Speech, Banter

*this list will be cleaned up after November's NaNoWriMo

badinage chaff, chaffing, chitchat, derision, dissing, exchange, fun, gossip, jeering, jesting, joking, joshing, kidding, mockery, persiflage, play, raillery, repartee, ribbing, ridicule, small talk, banter, cajole, apple polish, argue into, banter, beguile, blandish, bootlick, brownnose, build up, butter up, con, crowd, deceive, decoy, delude, dupe, entice, entrap, get around, get next to, hand a line, induce, influence, inveigle, jolly, lay it on thick, lure, make up to, maneuver, massage, mislead, oil, play up to, push, rub the right way, seduce, snow*, soap, soft-soap, soften, spread it on, stroke, suck up to, sweet-talk, sweeten up, tantalize, tempt, urge, wheedle, work on, work over, chaff, banter , deride, fun, jeer, jolly, josh, kid, mock, rag, rally, razz, rib, scoff, taunt, tease, banter , chaff, contemn, detract, dis, disdain, disparage, do a number on, dump on, flout, gibe, jeer, jolly, kid, knock, laugh at, lout, mock, pan, pooh-pooh, put down*, quiz, rag, rally, razz, rib, ridicule, roast, scoff, scorn, slam, sneer, taunt, twit, banter , bat eyes at, come hither, come on, coquet, dally, disport, eyeball, fool, gam, hit on, lead on, linger with, make a move, make a pass, ogle, philander, pick up*, pitch*, proposition, tease, wink at, adaptability, banter , collaboration, compromise, concession, cooperation, deal-making, exchange, offset, reciprocity, settlement, swap, trade, trade-off, wheeling and dealing, amusement, badinage, banter , buffoonery, clowning, comicality, comicalness, drollery, facetiousness, farce, flippancy, fun, gag, gaiety, happiness, high spirits, jest, jesting, jocoseness, jocosity, jocularity, joke, joking, joyfulness, kidding, levity, lightness, playfulness, pleasantry, raillery, tomfoolery, whimsy, wisecrack, wit, witticism, wittiness, banter , burlesque, contempt, contrariness, criticism, derision, humor, incongruity, jibe, mockery, mordancy, paradox, quip, raillery, repartee, reproach, ridicule, sardonicism, satire, taunt, twist, wit, jeer, banter , comeback, contemn, deride, dig*, fleer, flout, gibe, hector, hoot, jab, jest, laugh at, make a crack, mock, poke fun, put down, put on, quip, ridicule, scoff, sneer, snipe, taunt

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